Know Your State E-File Deadlines
Jan 4th 2023
Take the research and guess work out of finding state deadlines for your business’ year-end filings. Use the below infographic to identify 1099-NEC, W-2 and ACA state e-file deadlines for tax year 2022.
It is important to know the state-specific requirements for either the state where your employee or contract worker lives, or the state where you do business.
Other Important Deadlines for 1099-NEC & W-2 Forms:
Federal Deadline (E-File & Paper): January 31, 2023
Recipient Deadline: January 31, 2023
To help businesses meet all the state and federal filing deadlines and requirements quickly and easily, companies like Nelco offer W-2, 1099 & 1095 filing options for businesses large and small. Nelco’s completely paperless filing solution is the best option for businesses to file timely to states, the federal government, and recipients. Many businesses have Nelco’s paperless filing solution built into their software and the printing and mailing of recipient copies can be handled for you.
For more deadlines or form types, visit Nelco’s deadline calculator.